So, Friday was my b-day and I decided that I wanted to go to the First Fridays that they offer at the Museum of Natural History in Los Angeles.
On the first Friday of every month they open the museum later into the evening, feature a concert and DJs spinning in a couple of the animal display rooms and they have a bar and a little bistro serving food. It was awesome! One of their new exhibits is a "how do they do it" display on how they clean, catalog and put together a dinosaur display. The dino is named Thomas and their exhibit on the second floor had people working into the night on Thomas's femur bone while people could walk by and check it out. They also had someone dressed up as a Thomas the T-Tex who cruised the concert and bar area....with guides because the person inside the suit could not really see anything. Maybe they were correct in having the dino be a little could such a large beast see with such little beady eyes. In the second picture, Thomas did smack me with his tail....ouch

Jon and I had dinner at the little bistro and were pretty impressed with the food. We had curry chicken breast over a cous cous also came with a brownie (that filled in as my b-day cake). In the room where they served the food they had the DJ spinning records. I kept laughing at the fact that the DJ was right in front of the buffalo display and he kind of blended in:

The Akron Family and the Dodos were the bands that played at the museum that night in the opposite room from the DJ. They also displayed the band stage on projectors out in the main lobby. Kind of cool to see the band right beside the large dino display.

We left around 9:30 which was perfect because we left the downtown area early and had no problem with traffic. On Saturday, we chilled out in the morning and then drove down to Long Beach to check out the American Diabetes Assoc. Conference. We arrived kind of late to catch any of the discussions, but walked around the trade show floor and checked out the latest in technologies there. I was a little surprised at some of the booths....they had a rice booth. White rice is really high in carbs and not really a good choice for most diabetics. I could not get close to that booth to see if they were talking about low carb rice or something because they were giving away samples of rice and it was insanely crazy...cause people LOVE samples. That evening, Jon went off to have a manly day with some of his friends and I got together with my friend Michelle and we went to Color Me Mine (she took me there for my birthday) and then had dinner at Fushion Sushi...yum.
Sunday, we tried to get some chores around the house done. The key word being TRIED. This is what the dynamic duo looked like most of the day: