It was unbelievably energetic. The music was really good and the band was fantastic. It was such a mix of different cultures and hip hop, funk etc. They had a segment that reminded me of stomp where they used tables and drumsticks for percussion. They had a trio of breakdancers that must have necks of steel in order to spin on their heads like they did. The pic is small, but as you can see...a lot of light and a lot of energy. The one thing that I appreciated was that the lead female vocalist wore an orange track suit.....so now I know someone else appreciates the orange sweat pant look.

In other news, work has been crazy and my computer decided that it does not want to open a certain graphic document that I have been working on for three weeks. So, right now I am on hold until I have more memory installed on my computer and the IT department restores a back-up copy of the document. Until then I am working on tiny projects that unfortunately do not hold much interest for me. This last pic is of our friend Taras and I in front of the Gibson Ampitheater before the concert...but as you can see it was pretty dark in that area.