Last weekend we treked out to the desert for another camping trip. Jon had some friends who wanted to check out the Mojave Trail, so we all packed up and headed out late on Friday to the desert...stayed at a creepy casino hotel and then hit the trail on Saturday morning.

The weather during the day: Fantabulous! The weather during the evening: Horrendous! Below is Hiromi and I with the convoy of trucks. This was at the trail head, which we took out of Laughlin, NV. Hiromi had to read the map that we had...which was not really a map, more like a book that stated in novel form where you should go.

Following the directions we knew we were on the right track as we passed cairns of rocks stacked next to the trail and the highlights that we were looking for popped out of nowhere. Here Les and Jon are contributing to the penny tree. You have to place a donation of one penny in the beverage can tied to the joshua tree with a coat hanger when you pass...and if the can is full...add another can. :)

The area is so desolate that when you do see a structure it really stands out. This interesting building was part of a cluster of buildings that I have a feeling were created for a group to come out and have a good time. There was a "saloon" and a beat up old partical board house next to this tiny chapel.

One of the first places that we stopped was an old Fort (Fort Piute) that was set in between two hillsides to overlook and protect the passage through the desert. There was an old foundation where the lookouts slept side by side with their horses....gotta keep the horses inside so no one steals them....they had that happen a few times out here I believe. These petroglyphs were found near the fort in an area that was covered in these rocks...they even had a small structure that used some of the rocks with petroglyphs to build the corners. We took pics of the rocks, tried to stay away from the weird red/black bugs that were all over and then stayed for lunch before we headed out once again.

One of the highlights of the trip and later we found out a "rare treat" was to spot this little guy. Hiromi saw him in the distance and thought it was a toy at first until he started moving.

These desert tortoises are rare and hard to find out here. We got up really close and I did the unthinkable and touched him, which I later found out is not they are a protected species...but I figure I am ok with this pic since I did not know until later that you are supposed to stay at least 10 ft away from them.

It is hard to believe that anything could survive out in this desolate place. It is hot during the day and freezing at night. The wonderful thing about this season is that there are tons of flowers that bloom before the horrible HOT HOT HOT months. The desert floor was covered in these brillant pick flowers along with tiny white, yellow and purple looking daisies and other paintbrush type plants which made driving along the mojave trail a lot more interesting.

Late in the afternoon we set up camp near the rockhouse which is shown below. It was on top of a hill which I am not sure was the best location for us. Let's just say...the desert can create some serious winds....serious nasty winds...which made me declare several times that I no longer EVER want to camp in the desert. I do not think anyone slept that night. It was freezing and the howling winds kept the tents nice and noisy. Jon and I had our mummy sleeping bags which really helped keep us warm...but I guess not warm enough because I woke up on Sunday with NO voice. nada hand signals the rest of the day from me along with a hacking cough and fever. It is Friday today and I am still stuffed up a bit, but I am definitely making it to the gym tonight....must forge on....must get rid of extra weight I am carrying around.

Message to all who go to the desert: Pack for cold weather as can happen and it can be brutal!