This last week has been a whirlwind. Jon and I decided to get away and take a 3 day cruise to Mexico this last weekend. We left on Friday night and headed down to Ensenada.

The boat was so big that we could not fit it in one pic frame. :) We got a room with a view...well, more of a small porthole view.

The trip became more of a recovery cruise as I was under the weather with a shot site infection (diabetic stuff) and Jon had sprained both his thumbs skiing on Thursday. I had warned him that if he went on a ski trip right before the cruise something was going to happen...cause that is Murphy's law...and yup, he was hit by a punk snowboarder and bent both of his thumbs in directions they were not supposed to you see in the photo he is wearing a brace in order to heal one of his hands.
We docked in Ensenada on Saturday morning and Jon and I signed up for the wine country tour. Normally you do not think wine when you think Mexico, but we were pleasantly surprised. We ended up bringing back a couple of bottles along with some olives and some olive oil that they had at one winery. Here we are at the wineries. Jon pressing some grapes at the first winery and the both of us in front of the bull ring at the L.A. Cetto winery.

On Sunday, the ship was at sea so we hung out on the deck for a while and I sufficiently burned my legs. After crisping my legs in the sun, we took a long nap as the ship seems to lull you into a deep sleep..rocking back and forth. We also caught the musical reviews they had in the evenings and the two comedians which were pretty good. Everyone at our dinner table was really cool, except for an elderly foreign couple who decided on the first day to change tables....I believe it was because they could not keep up with us. The one thing that we both felt about the cruise was how wonderful, nice and hospitable the staff was. Even when the activities on the ship were a little cheesy, their enthusiam never waved. They made the trip!!!
We returned on Monday and both of us ended up having vertigo once we were off the ship! How strange to be perfectly fine on the ship and then be at home and feel like you have to grab the counter for balance.
We ended this week with a Lakers game on Thursday night. They were playing the Phoenix Suns which was fun because Shaq was there. It was fun to see how the crowd reacted to the old Laker. :) The one thing that made the game even more fun was the HOT burrito that Jon ordered from the stand. It was soo temperature hot, I saw one employee almost quit when she tried to place it on our tray. She yelled, "Oh hell no, I am not dealin' with this" (delivered with ghetto attitude) and a second employee had to come over with a pot holder to transfer the burrito to our tray. I wish she would have given us the pot holder because I tried to move it to make room for our drinks and felt the lava like hotness radiating from the wrapper. It was so hot, Jon was worried that he would be libel for a hole in the ozone. One hot burrito:

This weekend we plan on taking it easy and maybe trying to clean the pit we live in. We hope.
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