Saturday, March 13, 2010

Two times the craziness

I recently switched jobs.  I am in the same company and in the same department, but I have moved up into a job that will require more of me.  The problem that I have right now is the fact that my old job has not been filled just yet so I am still working that job as well.  Yes, I have two jobs right now.  This last week was tough and when I got home on Friday night it was really hard for me to relax.  I actually sent myself two emails to work regarding things I did not want to forget by Monday.
I am hoping that I can soon get into the swing of things at my new job and finally transition so that I do not have to worry about my old job which I had for five years so it is hard to forget.
Right now it is hard for me not to wonder if this was the right choice for me career wise.  Are we ever sure?
Working and living in Southern California is in its own class.  It seems that even if you make a decent salary you cannot buy a home or keep up with the Jones'.  It is scary to think about possibly starting a family when you overhear conversations where people with 6 figure salaries say that they cannot afford to have children.  What world are we living in?  I really hope that things start to calm down.  Well, enough of this down talk.  I guess it is pretty nice to live by the beach and I have a coupon to purchase a new book at Borders so there is definitely things to be happy about.  I have also booked my tax appointment on St. Patty's Day so I am hoping that our tax lady finds a pot of gold for us!