This weekend went by way too fast, but then again most weekends do. Friday, we checked out a Thai restaurant down the street that is in part of a motel. It was delicious, and we will definitely be going there again. I got my favorite: Chicken

Pad Thai and we had wonton appetizers that I could eat all the time. Saturday, we took a trip down to Long Beach to visit a book store because I had a huge bag of books to trade in. The store was a warehouse of dusty shelves and precarious shelves of books, which was fun to go through, although the prices on the used books did not impress me. I traded in quite a lot of books and they only gave me a credit of 20 bucks. Lucky for them I was just not in the mood to barter and took their meek credit and got two books. The next book place I want to try out is Bookaneer in the valley which I heard is pretty good. In the evening we hung out down at Old Tony's on the pier and watched the sunset...three pic at top is in Old Tony's. I like going there when you can grab a table looking right out over the end of the pier and the ocean, and you can feel the entire pier move with the waves if you sit still for a while.

Today, we hung out with the neighbors cat and

took pictures at the ocean for a school project called "Flat Stan" that a relative sent for us to do. We took a pic of him surfing. Then, I finally got a new cell phone. I had been hanging onto a phone that I got back in 1999. Yikes is all I can say about that....time to turn in the grey brick and get something a little more updated, so I got myself a pink razor. :)
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