Thursday, April 13, 2006

Working 9 to forever

I have not been able to update lately because I have been glued to my computer at work for the past week. My eyes are close to bugging out right now. Ack.
It happened last week. I was working on graphics and advertisements in a catalog that I am putting together for an event at work. I had 82 pages and was working really well on it when all of a sudden the file crashes and states that it is corrupted.....
I calmly call IT and ask if I can get the back-up from the day before....unfortunately I discover that our IT department has not been backing up our departments server since 2004.
So, this last weekend and most of this week I ended up working on creating a brand new catalog. Tonight I came home and sat on the balcony with a book to decompress. I am really looking forward to this weekend and some relaxation. :) I definitely need to try and find the digital camera that has gone MIA...I have no idea where we put it. I hope to find it soon so I can inundate this site with photos.