I promise I will get better pictures so you can see what it looks like. Fitzy took this artsy photo before we hoped in the car and headed up to Mountain High to go skiing on Sunday morning. There was not a whole lot of snow and I have to admit that I gave Jon a hard time on the fact that I am a crappy skier and not good and was not sure if I even liked the sport...but I ended up doing pretty darn good and only fell once and I believe that was because I was dodging a snowboarder on the hillside. Those snowboarders can be obstacles that you need to be really good to steer around and I am getting pretty good at avoiding them. :) Hopefully next time I will be even better.
Saturday we went downtown to check out the latest exhibit at the MOCA. It was Louise Bourgeois. It was an interesting exhibit. She had various sculptures, drawings and prints. She also put together these pieces she called Cells which I thought were the best part about the exhibit. They were more interesting in the fact that they were large pieces set up as rooms that you could look into. Although the main thought that we had coming out of that exhibit....is that that woman needed a therapist pronto....she had issues man! She had a marble sculpture of a huge French country mansion that she had grown up in and she had it framed by a guillotine.
We came up with some of our own thoughts on an exhibit that we could put together. I may have to have my own little art show. I believe I could create something quite unique that could rival some of the items I have seen at the museum.
We then visited some friends who just had a little baby girl back in December. It was good to visit with them and see their new addition. I also received a call from dear friend on the good news of the arrival of their new daughter! I wish them well and hope everyone is doing good.