The next morning the three of us woke up early and got in the van to drive down to the ferry to visit Vancouver Island. I had heard from a lot of people that I had to go visit the Island and that it was the most magnificent place.
Our reservation on the ferry got us a premier spot on the boat...we were the first to get on and the first to drive off. The only thing that bit about the ferry ride was the wait. Jon and Kim crashed in the van for a while before we could get on the boat.

It was cold & win

dy on the crossing so I was glad that we all brought jackets. As soon as the ferry landed we drove down to Victoria. The main attraction in Victoria seems to be the Empress Hotel. You cannot enter unless you have reservations it seems so we did not bother with that...we just glanced at it from the sidewalk and said, "How beautiful, but I hope the ivy is not ruining their stonework."
There was a gay pride parade that was going on in Victoria so the city was full of color. We decided to tour the
miniature museum that was in the basement of the Empress. It had over 80 displays all laid out in miniture form. We all kept wondering how long it took someone to make these. Here I am in front of the fantasyland miniature display.

They really ought to put me in their brochures...look how happy I am to be in miniature their brochures have people in 70s garb. After touring miniature world we decided to see what the fuss was about with the supposed castle tour. We drove up into a residential neighborhood to view the castle and when we arrived I could not find this so called castle....all I saw was a manor house. There are houses in my home town that are twice the size of this and not called a castle. It was very beautiful, but we decided not to pay the entry fee to see the manor house. Here is a pic as we are driving away.

We then headed out of Victoria back toward the ferry dock with one detour to the Butchart Gardens. The fee was a bit steep, but the gardens were beautiful.

After the gardens we headed back to the ferry and we are glad we did at that point because we had to wait for an hour and 45 minutes for the next was a holiday weekend afterall. We said Goodbye to Kim after the ferry ride as she had a long haul down to Seattle. I hope that I can visit Seattle sometime soon to visit her there.
The next morning, we got up early to drive out to Whistler for the last day. Whistler is beautiful and I recommend it as a place to visit. The air is so clean and the views are spectacular. We checked into our hotel room early and got upgraded twice! Once because they did not have our initial room ready and the second because of the bathroom not working. Our room was enormous and had a great view.

Our reservation for the Zip Trek tour was at 2:00 so we had to hustle to get to the check in and get ready. We then met up with our whole group of about ten people and our two guides and then headed up into the wilderness to get to the start of the tour.

Here we are all harnessed up and away we go:

It was great to fly over Fitzsimmons creek.
After the zip trek, we relaxed in the hotel pool. Then we headed out of town to Narin Falls for our dinner picnic. It was very romantic even though I suffered many mosquito bites...they love me. Here are the falls where we ended up and had the perfect end to a romantic evening! :)
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