I have a lot to fit in so I am going to do this in several posts. :) My first full day in Vancouver, we decided to check out the Capilano Suspension Bridge. The bridge did not look all that crazy up close, but when you get a lot of people crossing it at one time....it swings like crazy!!! The original bridge was built a long time ago to help the land owner bring lumber across for his business. I cannot imagine coming across a swinging bridge like that with a ton of lumber. They do say the bridge is strong enough to hold a loaded 747. We also cruised through Stanley Park which is right in Vancouver and I decided to join the totems in the park.
The next day, we explored our surroundings and celebrated Canada Day!!! Whooo Hooo Canada Day! :) We enjoyed free cake that was handed out everywhere, and got maple leaf tattoos ( rub ons). I think it is mandatory to have the tattoos on Canada Day.

In the afternoon, my friend Kim arrived from Seattle to join us and visit. I have not seen Kim in forever and a day and it was great to catch up.

We all rode the gondola up to Grouse Mountain to take in the views of the city. They also had a couple of resident bears up at the top of the mountain along with a lumberjack show that was pretty funny.

We ended that evening by exploring the gaslamp district and having dinner there. Everywhere we went I ended up ordering the largest beer possible that was on the menu.....not really by choice. I guess their beers are just served in buckets. Here is the gaslamp clock that was originally powered by steam...it is not anymore, but they do still have the steam coming out for historic purposes. :)

Part II to follow.
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