Saturday, July 29, 2006

Weekend guests :)

Shame on me for not posting in so long. It has been hotter than Hades out here in California and I have been trying to lay low and not melt.
My mom and sister were out for the weekend and it was fantastic to see them. Unfortunately it was also very humid and not at all like the beach coolness that we are used to out here. We even had one night of real lightening. Although, hearing people talk about it you would have thought it was the apocolypse. People just did not know what to think of it...there were even several familys flying kits at the beach that did not, have they ever heard of Ben Franklin?I took my mom and sister to Venice Beach on Saturday for some fun shopping which also happened to be the hottest day of the weekend and then we chilled at the concert on the beach on Sunday evening. It was great to have them out here, I wish they could have stayed longer...especially because it finally feels like it is cooling down around here. I have also decided that my sister should be a personal shopper. I definitely need her help.
This weekend I have no plans, except for that huge pile of laundry I have sitting in the other room. I think I might go down for a walk on the beach...although the clouds outside are looking rather ominous.