So, I am freezing in our meatlocker of an office. The building that I work in would benefit from a complete is old, nasty, has no windows and was built during a period of ugly architecture. Very ugly architecture.
I keep thinking that I will turn around and see Scrooge holding a bag of coal in the corner saying, "One piece for the whole day...that is all you get."
This weekend the sky finally cleared up. The onshore winds finally kicked in and blew the ash and smoke away and there was blue sky! On Sunday, went for a bike ride and ended up in Riviera Village where we went and had lunch at the Petit Casino...a little french restaurant that has pretty good crossiant sandwiches. I went next door after that to look at Xmas cards at a little boutique called Card de a. They have the best cards for the holidays. I cannot believe I am already shopping for the holidays. I do not have any of my gift shopping done at all and I am afraid it might once again get down to the wire and I will get all freaked out that I have not gotten the right happens every year.
This weekend we also had a trial run with a kitty in our house. I am not sure that I would call Woody a kitty as he is more like a 30 pound dat or cog....he is enormous and what is weird is that I do not believe all of it is due to is more like he is a muscle builder cat. Anyway, my new nick name for him is my "fat fraidy cat" because he is so scared of everything. He searched out the living room and then opened the bottom pot and pan cabinet in our kitchen and hid out in there most of Sunday afternoon. 

He finally came out while I was sitting on the couch reading and he sat at my feet. He gets along fine with me, but I wish he was more of a lap sitter....maybe he just feels self conscious about his weight and that is why he would not join me on the couch.
So, I am hoping that he is ok at the house today, I just found out from someone that it is hot outside so I have an odd feeling that Mr. Fat Fraidy Cat is once again in the pot and pan cabinet. He seems to like it in there, so as long as he is happy I am good with it. He is our cupboard kitty.
yay! kitties for the fitzharmses! I will try to remember to post some photos of Maverick, though that would be off-topic for my blog.
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