Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Green Thumb

So, maybe I am actually getting a bit of a green thumb, or maybe it is because this device keeps a constant supply of water and light at the ready for these plants, but I am growing my own lettuce in the kitchen in the Aero Garden that Jon got me for Santa Day.

I am growing green and red leaf as well as romaine. The rain that we have had has also allowed my succulent to grow to amazing proportions:

So, I am not sure what other people's New Year's resolutions were, but I have already seriously failed in mine and it has not even been a month. The one resolution that I have stuck to is the exercise...except that I kind of over did it with the kickboxing on Saturday, Boot Camp on Sunday and then a training session on Monday. Right now I am taking the elevator in the office and I am only on the second floor.
Well, I hope the rest of you are staying on top of your new year's resolutions. :)