Friday, January 25, 2008

Guests, Water, Craziness

Aloha, I have not updated as much as I wanted to in Jan, but here I am. I just had some guests come and visit. Norah, Jill and Joe came up the coast after their conference in San Diego to hang beachside for a few days. It was unfortunately kind of chilly and overcast, but I am hoping they had a good few days here. I know it was a lot warmer here than in Chi town.
I was hoping to take more photos while there were here, but alas, I did not charge up my camera and kept seeing the sad little flashy yellow battery sign in the frame.
The day they left the sky opened up and we got the downpour we have been waiting for. Last night's was the worst. It rained so hard I thought the skylight in the bathroom would break.
In other news, I have been enjoying salads made from the greens that grew in my Aerogarden...yum yum and I have been trying to keep my head above water at the office. I seem to have inherited several other smaller special events that I have to plan and it is taking up all my time to stay on top of them all.
I have dodged the bullet on jury duty this month which was a pleasant surprise. Last week I was sure I would be on a case for a full month. I was in the box and did not know either the plaintiff or the defendant. Luckily, I knew one of the witnesses.....I work close to the courthouse and one of the witnesses was on the foundation board where I work. They asked me if I spoke to him regularly and I figured I call him almost once a month to see if he will be attending board meetings so I think that is pretty regular. Thank Goodness, cause the case sounded super boring and it would have lasted three weeks to a month!
Well, hopefully my camera will be back in full is charging as I type this and I will supply you with tons of pics.
Tomorrow night I am heading downtown with some friends to check out the Walt Disney Concert Hall. I am very excited to check it out because it has been on my to-do list for a looooong time.
Hope everyone is staying warm and doing well.


Nobo said...

Of course, we had a lovely time. Thank you again! Joe even called me last night to remind me of "where we were one week ago" which was sitting around the fire pit at the HT Grill.

Trying to keep my blog "on topic" I have only posted one photo from the trip, and that is the one of Joe and his new best friend Toby. But I'll send some more to you at a later date.

I'm glad the rain waited until we left. I came back to sub-zero, but it seems to have warmed up for now.