Thursday, March 20, 2008

Two size 2s and two size 0s make it a size 4.

You know when you find something fabulous and you think....mmm I really must have that. Well, I found a dress that I thought would be perfect for a future occasion and so I went online to order it since the store only had two size 2s and two size 0s. Like most of the stores here in California.

Unfortunately they were completely out online. Nada, nothing. I am not sure why they keep it active on their website as it is really just a tease that no one can have it. :(
But isn't it just dreamy?

So, over the past few weeks the activities have been: Anaheim Hockey Game, Spring Fashion Show for Charity, and cursing stores in the area for only having sizes for people under the age of 10.

I have been working on quite a bit in the office...we have a golf tournament coming up and I am trying to raise money for it. Anyone want to come to Southern California to play golf?