Wednesday, March 26, 2008

In 'N Out

So, today at the office we were treated to In 'N Out Burger. They brought over the cookout trailer and served all the employees. I have been waiting for this day. :)

The trailer did not look this sweet. It was parked in the parking lot outside the hospital and had a long line of tired looking employees surrounding it. I would have liked the grass better than the parking lot, but hey Free Burgers...who can complain. I ate a delicious Double DoubleYUM!

In 'N Out is a West Coast establishment with a pretty simple menu (it also has a special menu that people know about and can order specialty orders from). I only indulge every so often, but it is sooo good. Jon and I know some people who boycott this establishment because the company is christian and they have bible verses on alot of their paper products. I believe these people are just a little too crazy. They are just jealous and drouling. They are missing out bigtime. I bet they also boycott another favorite of mine which is Chick-fil-a, another fast food meca that is closed on Sundays because the owners are baptists.

The only problem with all of this fast food is that I felt like this after lunch today:

For Easter this year, got together with friends to have a ham dinner and played a lot of yahtzee. Good times. Hope everyone had a good Easter. I will try and send warm weather your way...we got lots of it.


JVLR said...

I have to say again that I love your cat! Spooky poses the same way sometimes. The weather here is hot also, but I suppose that's no surprise since S. Texas only has 2 seasons-hot and hotter. We don't have In 'N Out, but we do have Chick-Fil-A and it's a fave of mine as well.