I went out Saturday morning and picked myself up some new hiking shoes for the summer, I splurged and got myself some Merrells. :) They are unbelievable comfortable and I cannot wait to take them out on the trails.
The rest of the day was spent at the beach playing volleyball with friends. If you see me and I look like I have Popeye arms, that would be because I have bruised and battered my forearms at volleyball. I put on 55 sunscreen, but even that did not protect me for long, and I ended up a little crisp. After volleyball we hung out at the house and munched on those fabulous lemongrass chix stix and tater tots. Who does not LOVE tater tots?
Sunday, I woke up early to go volunteer at a work event called For Our Children. It is a food and wine festival and this year Honda was generous enough to host it on their campus. Here are some sad shots of the tent and the preferred area from my post in the volunteer tent. As you can see I was in the back tent by the empty boxes and propane tanks, and we enclosed our preferred guests behind a white picket fence in order to keep them corralled as we asked them for money. :)

Today, I realized that I am really horrible, worse than I thought, with plants. Remember that beautiful hydrangea??? I think I watered it too much. Someone at work told me they required lots of water and I took that advice way too seriously...and this is what I have only a week after receiving it.

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