So, this last weekend Jon hopped over to the Fairmont Hotel for work and I decided to drive up and join him there on Saturday night since I had an event on Sunday at said hotel that I was attending.
The Fairmont was much more luxurious than the other place downtown and everything was monogrammed with little Fs. Jon thought this was fantastic and thought that the hotel should give him these items for free since his last name obviously starts with an F...therefore these items MUST be meant for him.

I dined on a CPK salad for dinner and went shopping along the 3rd St. Promenade and then retired early. The next morning the line started up for the Sassy City Girl Sample Sale which is what I had registered to attend a while ago. The line was out the gates of the hotel and down the street...I had no idea how popular this was. The sale was held in several rooms in the lower section of the hotel (basement) and so it was mighty crowded down there trying to see what each of the designers brought. I did some holiday shopping...hence I will not say what was purchased at said event, and then my friend Sue and I left at a reasonable time before our heads exploded from the crush of mad shopping ladies.

After the sale we went to Barney's Beanery for some chow and then did some necessity shopping at the Target in the evening. I found out that night that if I spend a full day shopping, my brain as well as all of my muscles turn into a type of jiggly pudding. Monday at the office was hard to get used to, but I got through the day and today has been a little better and I do wonder if it is not due to the fact that this is a short week due to the holiday of massive mashed potatoes.
On Monday night I went and met with my fitness trainer who worked out my arms until I could not move them anymore...somehow I was able to drive home that evening, but this morning I could not grab the cereal box off the top of the refrigerator and needed assistance. Tomorrow night I plan to punish myself somemore and go to the spinning class again. It is my punishment for eating two pieces of chocolate out of the Sees Candy Box that someone brought into the bloody office. I hope everyone has a fabulous massive mashed potatoes day! Cheers, e
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