Michelle exclaimed "Never never never again" after class and I just remember cursing the instructor as she kept yelling "peddle faster...raise that resistance." I did cheat a little bit and I do not think the resistance on my bike was up to what it was really supposed to be.
On the other hand I did get introduced to the Hermosa Beach 24 hour fitness which is much much nicer than the Torrance one...although it is a bit more of a meat market than the Torrance one is. On Saturday I will be trying out the kickboxing class which is Michelle's favorite. I am excited about that one. I have decided to also use the spinning class as my reminder that I should not have that piece of cake.....such as, if I have that piece of chocolate cake I will have to take another spinning class. I believe I will totally eat a piece of celery instead and skip the spinning.
Woody returned to our house after one night out! He apologized and finally let us know that he is pretty much a wuss in the outside world, where they do not have treats, or laser pointers or a good wire brushing which are some of his favorite things. He now does not spend all of his time in the pots and pans cabinet, but has taken to sleeping on the stairs or under the dining table.
This last weekend was nice and easy going. On Saturday we found ourselves at a baby shower for some friends who are expecting a little boy, and then I went shopping on Sunday which of course is so dangerous these days as I have found myself to be quite a little shopping maniac....I would never believe that I could become one of those, but it has happened.
From now on, I promise only to purchase xmas gifts. Ohhhh I am so behind on that.
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